September 13, 2010

Silly Surveys

A friend of mine on FaceBook got bored the other day and did a ton of surveys. I'm doing them here just for fun.
Are you willing to admit to.... ?

Do you know the words to the Spongebob Squarepants theme song?
Have you ever quoted a cartoon character and which one was it?
yes - Porky Pig
Have you ever danced in the rain just for the heck of it?
Have you ever shaved off your hair completely from your head?
If you could get a tattoo what would it be of and where would you put it?
second one would be on the foot, gardenia and ankle chain
Have you ever picked your nose and wiped it someplace when no one else was looking?
who hasn't?
Have you ever had an accident in your pants as an adult?
If you could have one wish for anything in the world, what would it be?
no more poverty
If someone was willing to pay you $50,000 to shave your pet bald would you?
bring on the clippers
Have you ever shared a shower or bath with your pet?
Have you ever tasted pet food and what animal was it meant for?
yes - dog (Larry Moore dared me when I was 4)
When you wake up in the morning to your alarms do you get up at the first beep or do you hit the snooze button and how many times do you hit it until you get up?
hit the snooze once
If a friend ever broke their arms and you came to stay with them to help them out would you wipe their butt for them after they pooped.
don't know... but I'd shave their pits for them!
If someone would pay you whatever you asked for would you pose nude in a picture for anyone to see?
If you could take one law (federal, state or local) and get rid of it so it was now legal what would it be?
the right to carry a concealed weapon
Have you ever sold blood, done medical testing, or sold your reproductive specimens for money?
no - I give it all away for free
If you could take over and change part of a government run program what would it be?
I'd fix Social Security.

Quote: Admission of ignorance is often the first step in our education. - Stephen R. Covey

I'm Back

Not even sure I remember how to do this. But here goes.

I am an insomniac... it's almost 4 a.m. and I am wide awake. Guess that three hour nap wasn't such a good idea.

Updates from previous blog entries. I no longer play Hatchlings... it's now all about FarmVille. Dancing with the Stars... hmmm, I didn't watch last season because that "child-pimping witch" Kate G. was on. I plan on checking it out this next season.

Had some big surgery... it's all good now.

The year 2009 ended great... a new "niece" Olivia came into the world and I was there. Coolest thing ever!

Quote for today: "A friend is one who believes in you when you have ceased to believe in yourself." (no idea - it's 4 o'clock in the morning and I'm not looking it up!)