February 1, 2009

25 things

There's this "tagging" thing that I've seen on Facebook where people are listing 25 things that others might not know about them. Since I don't care to share mine with 1/2 the world I decided I'd give it a try here. The 4 or 5 people reading this probably know most of these but might be surprised by a few.
  1. my favorite flower is the lilac
  2. my favorite color is purple
  3. I love country music; mostly the older stuff
  4. I'm addicted to reality TV
  5. my favorite movie is "The Wizard of Oz"
  6. my all time favorite TV show is M*A*S*H
  7. my favorite cookie is the Snickerdoodle
  8. I love staying up late and watching corny old TV shows
  9. I can drive stick shift but only like to do it when no one else is in the car with me
  10. I have a large collection of magnets that people have given me from all over the U.S. (I have some from foreign countries too!)
  11. I'm currently addicted to playing Yahtzee on Pogo
  12. I can remember phone numbers from jobs 20 years ago but usually can't remember what I had for dinner last night
  13. I ended up becoming what I said I wanted to be when I grew up
  14. if I could have any car that I wanted it would be a candy apple red 1964 Mustang (convertible, of course)
  15. in my entire life I have only tasted coffee once (not including coffee ice cream which I totally dislike)
  16. my worst OCD trait is that I have to check the alarm clock several times to make sure it's set before I can go to sleep
  17. I graduated 11th in my class in High School
  18. the most fun I ever had was crashing into my Dad (multiple times) on the bumper cars at Knoebels - Jordie was my passenger and loved it too!
  19. my favorite scent is a baby after they've been bathed
  20. my favorite book is "Gone With the Wind" and I've read it twice
  21. I find it almost impossible to wear underwear that doesn't match what I'm wearing (I blame my mother for this)
  22. I used to be an officer in the US Coast Guard Auxiliary
  23. I usually brush my teeth in the shower
  24. I once shot at and hit a groundhog. I have a witness!
  25. It took me way longer than I thought to complete this list

That's it.

Quote for the day: Toto I’ve a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore. – The Wizard of Oz

1 comment:

  1. I already knew most of this, but the underwear surprised me! :)
