- my favorite flower is the lilac
- my favorite color is purple
- I love country music; mostly the older stuff
- I'm addicted to reality TV
- my favorite movie is "The Wizard of Oz"
- my all time favorite TV show is M*A*S*H
- my favorite cookie is the Snickerdoodle
- I love staying up late and watching corny old TV shows
- I can drive stick shift but only like to do it when no one else is in the car with me
- I have a large collection of magnets that people have given me from all over the U.S. (I have some from foreign countries too!)
- I'm currently addicted to playing Yahtzee on Pogo
- I can remember phone numbers from jobs 20 years ago but usually can't remember what I had for dinner last night
- I ended up becoming what I said I wanted to be when I grew up
- if I could have any car that I wanted it would be a candy apple red 1964 Mustang (convertible, of course)
- in my entire life I have only tasted coffee once (not including coffee ice cream which I totally dislike)
- my worst OCD trait is that I have to check the alarm clock several times to make sure it's set before I can go to sleep
- I graduated 11th in my class in High School
- the most fun I ever had was crashing into my Dad (multiple times) on the bumper cars at Knoebels - Jordie was my passenger and loved it too!
- my favorite scent is a baby after they've been bathed
- my favorite book is "Gone With the Wind" and I've read it twice
- I find it almost impossible to wear underwear that doesn't match what I'm wearing (I blame my mother for this)
- I used to be an officer in the US Coast Guard Auxiliary
- I usually brush my teeth in the shower
- I once shot at and hit a groundhog. I have a witness!
- It took me way longer than I thought to complete this list
That's it.
Quote for the day: Toto I’ve a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore. – The Wizard of Oz
I already knew most of this, but the underwear surprised me! :)