October 13, 2009
Moving Up
Quote for the day: So the last shall be first, and the first last: for many be called, but few chosen. ~ Matthew 20:16
May 8, 2009
Two Moms
Back at the beginning of the year, Auntie Beth and I were talking and she misspoke and said something about her being my mom. I laughed and corrected her but she actually was right. I continued by saying that both Jen and I had two mothers; one biological and one who loved us and we both laughed. Jen and I were both very lucky. We both really did have great mothers. Yet we were both very lucky that we also had an aunt who cared for us. My mother and I would not have survived those dreadful teenage years if I didn’t have Aunt Beth and Uncle Rod to escape to. Aunt Beth was incredibly good about sharing her daughter with my Mom when Mom needed her most. Jen and I are both very lucky to have two incredible women that love us so much.
I wrote the paragraph above back in the beginning of the year and have saved it to post especially for Mother’s Day. Since then I have come to appreciate more and more how great these two women actually are. Over the past ten days I have watched the two of them dealing with Gam’s injury and subsequent hospital stay and nursing home visit. Without fail they both have been there every day, making sure that she is taken care of and keeping her company. They had a great example in their mother and are both setting wonderful examples for their daughters. I hope that I can act as well as they have if ever I am put in the same situation.
Lots of Love and MUH to you both!
Quote for the day: Biology is the least of what makes someone a mother. ~Oprah Winfrey
I wrote the paragraph above back in the beginning of the year and have saved it to post especially for Mother’s Day. Since then I have come to appreciate more and more how great these two women actually are. Over the past ten days I have watched the two of them dealing with Gam’s injury and subsequent hospital stay and nursing home visit. Without fail they both have been there every day, making sure that she is taken care of and keeping her company. They had a great example in their mother and are both setting wonderful examples for their daughters. I hope that I can act as well as they have if ever I am put in the same situation.
Lots of Love and MUH to you both!
Quote for the day: Biology is the least of what makes someone a mother. ~Oprah Winfrey
April 24, 2009
The Concrete Kid
Gam's house is no longer hers. Settlement was today and now it belongs to someone else.
At Gam's request, Frank and I went over last night to check on it for her. She wanted to make sure that the guys who did the concrete work had put up a proper barrier so that no one would write in or drive over the fresh concrete. Thirty-two years ago, when I was but a mere 13 years old, Pappy paid me to sit and watch and make sure that no one wrote in the newly poured concrete driveway. Before I started my job, Pappy and I took a stick and scratched in "1977" at the top near the garage, it's still there. They don't make concrete and kids like they used to because the new work was unguarded for a couple of hours and no one had touched it. I wanted to scratch in "GAM" somewhere (unobtrusively of course!) but it was too hard and I had to abandon my plans. Our township is putting in a walking path in one of our parks with customized bricks, I think I'll have a GAM brick put in so her name lives forever even if she can't.
Quote for the day: In family life, love is the oil that eases friction, the cement that binds closer together, and the music that brings harmony. Eva Burrows
At Gam's request, Frank and I went over last night to check on it for her. She wanted to make sure that the guys who did the concrete work had put up a proper barrier so that no one would write in or drive over the fresh concrete. Thirty-two years ago, when I was but a mere 13 years old, Pappy paid me to sit and watch and make sure that no one wrote in the newly poured concrete driveway. Before I started my job, Pappy and I took a stick and scratched in "1977" at the top near the garage, it's still there. They don't make concrete and kids like they used to because the new work was unguarded for a couple of hours and no one had touched it. I wanted to scratch in "GAM" somewhere (unobtrusively of course!) but it was too hard and I had to abandon my plans. Our township is putting in a walking path in one of our parks with customized bricks, I think I'll have a GAM brick put in so her name lives forever even if she can't.
Quote for the day: In family life, love is the oil that eases friction, the cement that binds closer together, and the music that brings harmony. Eva Burrows
March 24, 2009
A Vist with Dr. Z
Well, it's official, I am now old! I woke up Saturday morning and my right elbow was really bothering me. It was worse on Sunday and then by Monday night I was in agony. Advil was not working. Waited until the doctor had hours this afternoon and then went in for the diagnosis. I have tendonitis, kind of like tennis elbow. Motrin, ice and an Ace bandage are the cure. The doctor thinks it may have been caused by a repetitive motion... crocheting!
I remember years ago when Dad had a similar ailment. He wore a thing on his elbow when bowling. I remember thinking it was just old age catching up with him. That was about twenty years ago. Yikes! I'm the same age now!
and Mom, if you're reading this tomorrow, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Quote for the day: Get busy living or get busy dying. ~ The Shawshank Redemption
I remember years ago when Dad had a similar ailment. He wore a thing on his elbow when bowling. I remember thinking it was just old age catching up with him. That was about twenty years ago. Yikes! I'm the same age now!
and Mom, if you're reading this tomorrow, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Quote for the day: Get busy living or get busy dying. ~ The Shawshank Redemption
March 16, 2009
They're Back!

I'm so excited. Dancing with the Stars is back! I don't yet have a favorite but I'm thinking it's going to be a woman this year. Former playmate Holly is really good and Denise Phillips definitely has potential. Although I have to say Ty Murray is one cute little cowboy!
I am now not available on Monday and Tuesday evenings between 8 and 10.
Quote for the day: Work like you don't need the money, love like your heart has never been broken, and dance like no one is watching. ~ Aurora Greenway
March 12, 2009
They're Gone!
It's taken almost two years but the trees that we no longer wanted are gone. Four long-needled pines and a cedar tree. Thanks to Rob King and Chadds Ford Tree Service our back yard now looks bigger and less cluttered. For years Frank has had problems with the cedar tree; it was too close to the house and the droppings clogged the rain gutters and stained the roof. The pine trees were choking out the lilac bush -- it was close to death but now will get plenty of light and may actually bloom this year!
When I came home tonight my kitchen seemed brighter. Seems as though that big old cedar tree was blocking lots of sunlight.
I can't wait to get all of those pine needles cleared and plant some nice bright forsythia bushes. The side of our yard will look so pretty now.
Quote for the day: If trees could scream, would we be so cavalier about cutting them down? We might, if they screamed all the time, for no good reason. - Jack Handey
When I came home tonight my kitchen seemed brighter. Seems as though that big old cedar tree was blocking lots of sunlight.
I can't wait to get all of those pine needles cleared and plant some nice bright forsythia bushes. The side of our yard will look so pretty now.
Quote for the day: If trees could scream, would we be so cavalier about cutting them down? We might, if they screamed all the time, for no good reason. - Jack Handey
February 25, 2009

OK, so I have this new obsession. It's playing Hatchlings on Facebook. My friend and co-worker Amy "invited" me in early January. It took me awhile to accept and then getting the hang of it took a bit longer. I am now ranked in the mid-seventies in the Philadelphia region and spend time every day "hunting" for eggs and feeding my Hatchlings. I've tried to get my friends and family to join so I have more places to hunt. So far only Auntie Beth has joined. She hasn't played yet but I always can find an egg in her *basket*!
The egg pictured here is my current favorite, the Mardi Gras egg.
Now it's off to Facebook to find some more..
Quote for the day: The way to become rich is to put all your eggs in one basket and then watch that basket. ~ Andrew Carnegie
February 12, 2009
Today is the 21st anniversary of when my sister died. Anniversaries should be things you celebrate with joy, not with sadness. They need to come up with another word. I tell people that for the first couple of years when the day came I was very sad. As the years pass I’m less sad and more wistful but you never forget the death of someone you love. I still find myself forgetting that she's actually gone and then remember and start wondering what she would be like today. I can now think of her and a smile will come to my face.
This year was particularly tough. I thought I could get through the day without crying but I was not successful. Maybe next year will be better. There's lots more I could say but I think everyone knows what I mean.
Here's a link to what my Aunt Beth posted today - she said it so well.
Quote/poem for the day:
This year was particularly tough. I thought I could get through the day without crying but I was not successful. Maybe next year will be better. There's lots more I could say but I think everyone knows what I mean.
Here's a link to what my Aunt Beth posted today - she said it so well.
Quote/poem for the day:
A Child Of Mine (To All Parents)
Edgar Guest
I will lend you, for a little time,
A child of mine, He said.
For you to love the while she lives,
And mourn for when she's dead.
It may be six or seven years,
Or twenty-two or three.
But will you, till I call her back,
Take care of her for Me?
She'll bring her charms to gladden you,
And should her stay be brief.
You'll have her lovely memories,
As solace for your grief.
I cannot promise she will stay,
Since all from earth return.
But there are lessons taught down there,
I want this child to learn.
I've looked the wide world over,
In search for teachers true.
And from the throngs that crowd life's lanes,
I have selected you.
Now will you give her all your love,
Nor think the labour vain.
Nor hate me when I come
To take her home again?
I fancied that I heard them say,
'Dear Lord, Thy will be done!
'For all the joys Thy child shall bring,
The risk of grief we'll run.
We'll shelter her with tenderness,
We'll love her while we may,
And for the happiness we've known,
Forever grateful stay.
But should the angels call for her,
Much sooner than we've planned.
We'll brave the bitter grief that comes,
And try to understand.
(gender changed from the original poem to female)
February 8, 2009
Stand By
OK, so I've decided I can't keep up with this posting every single day thing (my apologies to Jen!). I will only post when I have something really profound (or funny) to say.
I'm sure my (four or five) loyal readers will understand. And yes, I know I used way too many parentheses in this post!
Quote for the day: Mama always said life was like a box a chocolates, never know what you're gonna get. ~ Forrest Gump (as portrayed by Tom Hanks)
I'm sure my (four or five) loyal readers will understand. And yes, I know I used way too many parentheses in this post!
Quote for the day: Mama always said life was like a box a chocolates, never know what you're gonna get. ~ Forrest Gump (as portrayed by Tom Hanks)
February 7, 2009
Today was a kind of blah day. Woke up with a kind of stuffy head and itchy ears. Did as little as possible, took a nap and then went to dinner at the Farmer's Market. We usually don't go on Saturday so it was kind of different. First we ran into our accountant and talked to her for a few minutes. Then ran into our former next door neighbors. Their son was like a grandson to Frank's mom so it was really good to see them. "Little Mike" is now so tall and grown-up looking. Then ran into two of my cousins who I haven't seen in ages. Justin had a son that I had never seen, he's now 11 months old and is adorable. Looks exactly like his father and uncle looked when they were babies. We'll have to start going on Saturdays more -- it was a great way to catch up with everyone.
Quote for the day: Weekends don't count unless you spend them doing something completely pointless. ~Bill Watterson
Quote for the day: Weekends don't count unless you spend them doing something completely pointless. ~Bill Watterson
February 6, 2009
Karaoke Night
Went to Karaoke at the Elk's club. Auntie Beth and I went and joined Uncle Son and Aunt Barb. Julia and Robin and some of their friends were also there. Couldn't get Auntie Beth to perform. She just refuses to admit that she has a *wonderful* voice.
Quote for the day: Always keep a song in your heart – it’s like karaoke for the voices in your head. ~ Robert Fulton Abernethy
Quote for the day: Always keep a song in your heart – it’s like karaoke for the voices in your head. ~ Robert Fulton Abernethy
February 5, 2009
Little Things
Little things I'm thankful for:
- people who say thank you when they really don't have to
- the sweet lady who cleans our office and does an excellent job
- the lights all being green when I'm running late for work
- same as above only when I'm in a hurry to get home
- my short commute (3.2 miles)
- M*A*S*H reruns
- a cold Diet Coke
- the Chinese buffet when I'm really hungry
Quote for the day: Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things. ~Robert Brault
February 4, 2009
A Car of a Different Color
My first car that was all mine was a Chevy Chevette. It was one of the very popular, at the time, two-toned ones. It was burgundy and tan. That car was amazing. AM radio, no AC and vinyl seats. The steering wheel was black so when it was hot out I sometimes worried my hands would blister. That little car was great in the snow, got great mileage and never really let me down. Three cars later I'm now driving a Jeep Cherokee Laredo. This car is also currently two-toned; burgundy on top and white on the bottom. They've invented a vaccine for polio and almost eradicated smallpox from the face of the earth, why oh why can't they invent a road salt that doesn't turn my car white?
Quote for the day: Take it with a grin of salt ~ Yogi Berra
Quote for the day: Take it with a grin of salt ~ Yogi Berra
February 3, 2009
Snow Memories
I remember going outside and playing all day in what seemed like feet of snow. Now a big storm is a couple of inches. I remember Dad carrying me and my sister to a local store to get us boots. They were those cute red ones that had elastic bands that hooked around a button to close. We usually wore them with bread bags over our socks so we wouldn't get our pants all wet. I now wear what I call "duck shoes" and would never even think about putting on bread bags. When I was a little older I remember going sledding at a local golf course and hoping that whatever it was you were sliding on (sled, cardboard box, trash can lid) would stop before you hit the creek. I never made it that far but our Associate Pastor once ran into a tree and couldn't sit comfortably for awhile. It's been decades since I've heard of anyone going sledding there.
When I was a kid I looked forward to snow. Now I look forward to it melting. I'm tired of scraping my car in the morning, saying goodbye to my husband as he goes out to salt and plow and hoping I don't fall on my face as I try to make it into work in the morning. I still enjoy how pretty it looks while it's coming down, I just hope that it's all gone by morning.
Quote for the day: The aging process has you firmly in its grasp if you never get the urge to throw a snowball. Doug Larson
When I was a kid I looked forward to snow. Now I look forward to it melting. I'm tired of scraping my car in the morning, saying goodbye to my husband as he goes out to salt and plow and hoping I don't fall on my face as I try to make it into work in the morning. I still enjoy how pretty it looks while it's coming down, I just hope that it's all gone by morning.
Quote for the day: The aging process has you firmly in its grasp if you never get the urge to throw a snowball. Doug Larson
February 2, 2009
The Good Ole' Days
Remember that email that was going around a couple of years ago about the kids that were graduating that year and how they hadn't lived without things like microwaves and cable TV? I’m so old that I can actually remember getting up from the couch and changing the channel. There were two knobs, one for VHF (channels 1 through 13, I think) and then UHF for the higher channels. In total I think there were 4 channels on VHF (ABC, CBS, NBC and PBS) and then 3 on UHF (17, 29 and I think the third was 48). Then there were little knobs for adjusting the horizontal and vertical picture and brightness and contrast. Remember how the picture “rolled” when something was going wrong? Then came the miracle of cable. I remember the box in our house had 30 channels. I think there were two rows of 15 and a switch that you used to switch between the rows. Ours had an extra long cord and it reached all the way to Dad’s seat on the couch. I like to think of it as a “corded” remote.
I recently actually yelled downstairs to Frank when I couldn't find the remote… the TV is less than 5 feet away.
Quote for the day: I wish there were a knob on the TV to turn up the intelligence. There's a knob called "brightness," but that doesn't work. ~Author Unknown
I recently actually yelled downstairs to Frank when I couldn't find the remote… the TV is less than 5 feet away.
Quote for the day: I wish there were a knob on the TV to turn up the intelligence. There's a knob called "brightness," but that doesn't work. ~Author Unknown
February 1, 2009
25 things
There's this "tagging" thing that I've seen on Facebook where people are listing 25 things that others might not know about them. Since I don't care to share mine with 1/2 the world I decided I'd give it a try here. The 4 or 5 people reading this probably know most of these but might be surprised by a few.
- my favorite flower is the lilac
- my favorite color is purple
- I love country music; mostly the older stuff
- I'm addicted to reality TV
- my favorite movie is "The Wizard of Oz"
- my all time favorite TV show is M*A*S*H
- my favorite cookie is the Snickerdoodle
- I love staying up late and watching corny old TV shows
- I can drive stick shift but only like to do it when no one else is in the car with me
- I have a large collection of magnets that people have given me from all over the U.S. (I have some from foreign countries too!)
- I'm currently addicted to playing Yahtzee on Pogo
- I can remember phone numbers from jobs 20 years ago but usually can't remember what I had for dinner last night
- I ended up becoming what I said I wanted to be when I grew up
- if I could have any car that I wanted it would be a candy apple red 1964 Mustang (convertible, of course)
- in my entire life I have only tasted coffee once (not including coffee ice cream which I totally dislike)
- my worst OCD trait is that I have to check the alarm clock several times to make sure it's set before I can go to sleep
- I graduated 11th in my class in High School
- the most fun I ever had was crashing into my Dad (multiple times) on the bumper cars at Knoebels - Jordie was my passenger and loved it too!
- my favorite scent is a baby after they've been bathed
- my favorite book is "Gone With the Wind" and I've read it twice
- I find it almost impossible to wear underwear that doesn't match what I'm wearing (I blame my mother for this)
- I used to be an officer in the US Coast Guard Auxiliary
- I usually brush my teeth in the shower
- I once shot at and hit a groundhog. I have a witness!
- It took me way longer than I thought to complete this list
That's it.
Quote for the day: Toto I’ve a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore. – The Wizard of Oz
January 31, 2009
Guilty Pleasures
My cousin Jen posted her guilty pleasures on her blog so I though I’d give it a try. In no particular order:
- Granny Smith apples with peanut butter. If I could choose any snack this is what I would pick.
- My gray Looney Tunes hooded sweatshirt. I cannot relax at night unless I’m wearing this. It is the perfect comfort apparel.
- The Real Housewives of Orange County on Bravo. I can’t help myself. I know I should not be watching these selfish, self-centered, mean-spirited women. I just can’t turn the channel when it’s on.
- My Birkenstocks. I don’t care that Michael Smerconish used to say on his radio show that hippie libs wear these. I have a perfect Birkie foot and they are the most comfortable shoes ever. Unlike Jen’s Croc’s they do not, however, keep my toes warm. Like Jen’s Croc’s they make my feet look even more enormous than they really are (size 9 ½).
- The Deadliest Catch on the Discovery Channel. I can’t wait ‘til April when the new season starts.
January 30, 2009
Things I'm Thankful For
Dedicated with love to the four or five people that currently read this.
- my mother: for everything. I'm also so proud of the fact that she finally figured out how to comment on my blog. WAY TO GO MOM!
- my husband: for putting up with me and for the incredible things both large and small that he does for me. Someday I'll post pictures of the amazing furniture that he's made me.
- my Auntie Beth: for taking such good care of my Gam.
- Gam: for her incredible attitude towards life despite her handicaps. We'll ignore the January 9th prediction.
- my cousin Jen: for inspiring me with her creativity.
- my friend Cheryl: for reminding me to "never let anyone rent space in my head" and to appreciate the fact that I have a husband to be annoyed with.
- Crystal: for graciously sharing Kayden and Jordan
- Kayden and Jordan: for making me a "Ree".
- Jack: for showing me that life can be exciting just because the fireman "letted" you blow the horn on the fire truck.
- all my friends: for putting up with me.
Quote for the day: God gave you a gift of 86,400 seconds today. Have you used one to say "thank you?" ~William A. Ward
January 29, 2009
Cooking Dinner
I cooked dinner tonight. We had chicken croquettes, mashed potatoes with gravy, and french cut green beans. I say cooked but I really think it was more like "reheated". The chicken was from the *fabulous* meat store by Mom's house and had to be heated in the oven for 20 minutes. The mashed potatoes were real but from a pouch that you dump into some water and microwave for 3 and a half minutes. The green beans were, of course, canned and were heated in the microwave. The "gravy" was actually cream of chicken soup. I actually mixed it with water and put it in a pan on the stove to heat; even used a whisk to mix it properly! Frank had tea and, you guessed it, the water was heated in the microwave. I opened a can of Diet Coke for myself.
We did eat it all on real dishware with real flatware!
Quote for the day: "I do wish we could chat longer, but... I'm having an old friend for dinner. Bye." - Hannibal Lecter
We did eat it all on real dishware with real flatware!
Quote for the day: "I do wish we could chat longer, but... I'm having an old friend for dinner. Bye." - Hannibal Lecter
January 28, 2009
Snow Day
I never thought of myself as spoiled until this morning. Frank got called out at 1:30 a.m. to plow and salt the roads. I had to get up early, get dressed and go outside in the snow, rain and slush to clean off my car. There was about a quarter-inch of ice covering about an inch of snow. I'm fanatical about clearing the roof of my car so it took me over half an hour. I then run inside, hang up my wet clothes and very quickly shower and get re-dressed. All the while paranoid that the car would cool down and re-freeze. The last time it snowed I walked out the back door, kissed Frank goodbye and was off in my nice clean and warm vehicle.
I'm beginning to rethink this whole "working for the township" thing he's doing :)
Quote for the day: (actually my favorite poem of all-time, I memorized this in 4th grade in Mrs. McCormick's class and can still recite it perfectly).
My little horse must think it queer,
To stop without a farmhouse near,
Between the woods and frozen lake,
The darkest evening of the year.
He gives his harness bells a shake,
To ask if there is some mistake.
The only other sound's the sweep,
Of easy wind and downy flake.
The woods are lovely, dark and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.
I'm beginning to rethink this whole "working for the township" thing he's doing :)
Quote for the day: (actually my favorite poem of all-time, I memorized this in 4th grade in Mrs. McCormick's class and can still recite it perfectly).
Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening
Whose woods these are I think I know,
His house is in the village though.
He will not see me stopping here,
To watch his woods fill up with snow.
His house is in the village though.
He will not see me stopping here,
To watch his woods fill up with snow.
My little horse must think it queer,
To stop without a farmhouse near,
Between the woods and frozen lake,
The darkest evening of the year.
He gives his harness bells a shake,
To ask if there is some mistake.
The only other sound's the sweep,
Of easy wind and downy flake.
The woods are lovely, dark and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.
-- Robert Frost
January 27, 2009
Long Distance
Remember when the big bad phone company divested and all of sudden all these new companies were begging for your long-distance business? That was when we first heard of MCI and a bunch of others that are now gone. I knew someone who changed his carrier regularly because one of the companies would offer him $25 or $50 to change. I think he went back and forth several times. I don't even have a long-distance carrier now. Unless you count Sprint/Nextel which I have on my cell phone. Now most people I know have one of those 5 cents-a-minute plans on their home phones with free nights and weekends on their cell phones. I don't even really think about it when I make a long-distance call; then again, I rarely make them outside of work. I'm still waiting for a call back from the last long-distance call I made. *HINT, HINT*
So reach out and touch someone, it probably won't cost as much as it did ten years ago.
Quote for the day: "Reach Out and Touch Someone" (and stop humming that old commercial Auntie Beth) - advertising slogan used by AT&T (1979)
So reach out and touch someone, it probably won't cost as much as it did ten years ago.
Quote for the day: "Reach Out and Touch Someone" (and stop humming that old commercial Auntie Beth) - advertising slogan used by AT&T (1979)
January 26, 2009
TV Land
I am most definitely not looking forward to the TV changeover to digital. My husband is still shopping around for a TV that will be compatible with the new format. He's not really cheap, he's just very careful. He is waiting for the exact TV that he wants to be available for about 1/2 the regular price. He had the TV he wanted all picked out. Then he heard that Circuit City would be going bankrupt and figured that he could get a good deal there. He has since found out that CC isn't offering any deals, they merely jacked up their prices and then reduced everything by 10%; still higher than what it was before the bankruptcy.
So, getting back to TV Land. I can live without the big three networks, QVC, Bravo and maybe even the Food Network. I don't think I can live without my daily dose of The Andy Griffith Show, The Cosby Show and the upcoming new season of High School Reunion.
Quote for the day: "Television is simply automated day-dreaming." Lee Lovinger
So, getting back to TV Land. I can live without the big three networks, QVC, Bravo and maybe even the Food Network. I don't think I can live without my daily dose of The Andy Griffith Show, The Cosby Show and the upcoming new season of High School Reunion.
Quote for the day: "Television is simply automated day-dreaming." Lee Lovinger
January 25, 2009
I have a love/hate relationship with Sundays. I love them because it's a day of relaxing and no work. I hate it because once it's over then it's back to work again. It was heavy on the relaxing today. Frank wanted me to go down to Buttonwood with him. I managed to convince him that I really was happy staying here and just vegging on the couch. He was going to check for mice and blow/rake leaves. What fun would that be for me? I stayed home and watched Cast Away and made dinner.
I'll finish the night by watching a "Very Duggar Wedding".
Quote for the day: "Calgon take me away"
I'll finish the night by watching a "Very Duggar Wedding".
Quote for the day: "Calgon take me away"
January 24, 2009
Baking... or Not
So, I decided to do some baking today. Frank really likes the Tassies that I made from Gam's recipe so I decided to make them. Made the regular recipe with pecans and they turned out great. Then I decided to try the peanut butter filling. Once again, I learned that not all Tassie recipes are created equal. They bubbled over and were, therefore, impossible to get out of the pans. They taste fine but don't look so appetizing. Next time I will definitely use the little cups that I bought at the market.
Going over to the Anderson's tonight to play cards and visit. I haven't been there in two weeks so I can't wait to see the kids!
Quote for the day: Houston, we have a problem. (Apollo 13)
Going over to the Anderson's tonight to play cards and visit. I haven't been there in two weeks so I can't wait to see the kids!
Quote for the day: Houston, we have a problem. (Apollo 13)
January 23, 2009
Eating Healthy
Frank still isn't feeling well so I brought him home a treat. We had Bruster's ice cream for dinner. Frank had Oreo and I had Peanut Butter Cookie Dough. I always kind of let Friday be my big cheat day but today I went a bit overboard.
On another note, had a nice chat with an old friend on the way home from work. We were good friends up until I got married and then kind of drifted apart. She got married and moved further away. She recently came back to town and came back to church. It was so good to talk to her and catch up on things. It's as if no time has passed. Hoping to have a chance to go out with her soon.
Quote for the day: "After all... tomorrow is another day." (Gone With the Wind)
On another note, had a nice chat with an old friend on the way home from work. We were good friends up until I got married and then kind of drifted apart. She got married and moved further away. She recently came back to town and came back to church. It was so good to talk to her and catch up on things. It's as if no time has passed. Hoping to have a chance to go out with her soon.
Quote for the day: "After all... tomorrow is another day." (Gone With the Wind)
January 22, 2009
The End of an Era
Today was the end of an era at QVC. Nothing any of the millions of customers would notice but something very important nonetheless. My favorite person at QVC is no longer there. Today was her last day and it will never be the same. She was the person who was there for me when I was having a good, bad or horrible day. She was the first person I told that I was leaving. She was the last person I saw on the day I left. She was the kind of friend that everyone needs at work. She had HUGE shoulders and was always available in times of trouble. She could help you solve any problem big or small and she had the ability to make those big problems smaller just by being there for you. She could make me laugh and she let me cry. I know she will always be my friend because that's the kind of person she is. The "Q" will keep on selling and time will pass but they let one of their best walk out today.
Quote for the day: "SOMEONE GIVE ME A NAPKIN!" (the lunch table)
Quote for the day: "SOMEONE GIVE ME A NAPKIN!" (the lunch table)
January 21, 2009
Still Boring
As predicted, another boring day.
Didn't get much sleep last night because Frank's heel was bothering him and he kept waking up and then moving around and waking me up.
Hopefully I will soon be able to figure out how to add pictures (HINT, HINT to Aunt Beth and Jen) and then spice this thing up.
Quote for the day: "A heart is not judged by how much you love; but by how much you are loved by others" (The Wizard of Oz)
Didn't get much sleep last night because Frank's heel was bothering him and he kept waking up and then moving around and waking me up.
Hopefully I will soon be able to figure out how to add pictures (HINT, HINT to Aunt Beth and Jen) and then spice this thing up.
Quote for the day: "A heart is not judged by how much you love; but by how much you are loved by others" (The Wizard of Oz)
January 20, 2009
Well, Aunt Beth told me I had to post something every day so here it is. My life is boring. Went to work, came home, did laundry, made dinner, watching "Real Housewives" then going to bed. Will repeat tomorrow except I will be watching "Top Chef".
Oh yeah, I totally boycotted all things inaugural today. I'm a poor loser.
Good night, and to quote my famous cousin, Jennifer - "go wash your hands... now!"
That's all.
Oh yeah, I totally boycotted all things inaugural today. I'm a poor loser.
Good night, and to quote my famous cousin, Jennifer - "go wash your hands... now!"
That's all.
January 19, 2009
Still going...
Well the final fever broke at about midnight and I've been feeling pretty good since. Had a serious case of cabin fever and wanted to go out. Frank said that the roads were fine so I could venture forth. Went over to my Mom's and spent the afternoon on the couch with Jordan watching Swiss Family Robinson. Believe it or not I've never seen the movie so it was really interesting. Stopped at WaWa to get dinner (I'm not feeling that GOOD). The roads were starting to get a little slick so when I got in I told Frank to be ready for the call from the Roadmaster. Sure enough, he was about halfway through his hoagie when I heard him laughing saying "my wife told me I'd be going out!". Hopefully they get it all nice and dry for when I go back to work (YUCK) tomorrow.
January 18, 2009
A Vicious Cycle
I've been sick since yesterday afternoon. It's a vicious cycle; burning up with fever, taking Advil, sweating like you wouldn't believe when fever breaks, chills, then start all over again. I can't believe I have a long weekend and I've spent 90% of my time on the couch either sweating or covered in afghans. Took a shower during the chills phase 'cause I thought that would make me feel better. It worked... for about ten minutes and then the sweats started. Hopefully I'll feel better tomorrow and can enjoy my day off.
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